🖥️Commands List

ERM has a large range of commands to chose from, here's all you need to know about each command.


  • All users can access this command: *

  • Staff members can access this command: *

  • Management members can access this command: *

  • Users with Manage Server can run this command: *

Commands List


  • /about - Information about ERM *

  • /ping - Shows information about the bot, such as uptime and latency.

Shift Management

  • /duty manage - Manage your own shift. *

  • /duty time - Allows for you to check your shift time, as well as your past data. *

  • /duty leaderboard - Get the total time worked for the whole of the staff team. *

  • /duty admin - Allows for you to administrate someone else's shift. *

  • /duty active - Get all members of the server currently on shift. *

ROBLOX Punishments

  • /punish - Log a moderation against a ROBLOX User. *

  • /punishment manage - Modify punishments or create punishment types. *

  • /bolo active - View this server's active BOLOs. *

  • /tempban - Log a temporary moderation against a user. *

  • /search - Searches a ROBLOX user for moderations. *

  • /userid - View information about a ROBLOX user. *

Custom Commands

  • /custom manage - Manage custom commands. *

  • /custom run - Run a custom command. *


  • /reminders manage - Manage reminders. *

Game Logging

  • /game sts - Log an STS. *

  • /game priority - Log a Priority. *

  • /game message - Log a Message. (:m / :h commands) *

LOA Requests

  • /loa request - Request an LOA. *

  • /loa active - View all active LOAs in a server. *

  • /loa admin - Administrate someone's LOA profile. *

RA Requests

  • /ra request - Request an RA. *

  • /ra active - View all active RAs in a server. *

  • /ra admin - Administrate someone's RA profile. *


  • /consent - Change your privacy and user settings. *

Activity Management

  • /activity show - Shows the newest activity monitoring report across a period of time. *


  • /setup - Sets up ERM in your server. *

  • /config - View and Change your ERM settings. *

Last updated