📌ROBLOX Punishments

Learn about the ROBLOX Punishments module.

What is the ROBLOX Punishments module?

The ROBLOX Punishments module is one of ERMs core modules. It allows staff members to create moderations against ROBLOX users and have them easily logged in one easy command.


Configuring the ROBLOX Punishments module.

  • Run /config .

    • Click Basic Settings.

    • On the dropdown that appears, click ROBLOX Punishments.

    • If the first dropdown says Disabled, click on the dropdown and select Enabled.

    • On the second dropdown, select a channel that you want all punishments to be logged to.

Creating a Punishment.

  • Type /punish and in the user field, select the ROBLOX user to punish. In the type field, select the punishment type you want to issue to the person. In the reason field, select the reason for the punishment.

    • Run the command.

HINT: The BOLO type represents an individual that is pending a ban. For example, if someone leaves your server mid-confrontation, you can create a BOLO for them to be baned later.

Deleting a Punishment.

  • Follow these steps for getting the Punishment ID: How to get a Punishment ID

    • Run /punishment manage

    • Select Modify Punishment and paste the ID in the modal that appears.

    • On the menu that appears, click Delete Punishment.

Modifying a Punishment.

  • Follow these steps for getting the Punishment ID: How to get a Punishment ID

    • Run /punishment manage

    • Select Modify Punishment and paste the ID in the modal that appears.

    • Edit the moderation based on your preferences with the new menu that appears.

    • Once you are done, click Finish.

Creating a Punishment Type.

  • Run /punishment manage .

    • Click on Manage Types.

    • Click on Create.

    • Enter the name of the Punishment type in the modal. (eg verbal warning)

    • Select the channel that you want punishments of that type to log to.

    • Click Finish.

Deleting a Punishment Type.

  • Run /punishment manage .

    • Click on Manage Types.

    • Copy the ID of the Punishment Type that you want to delete.

    • Click Delete and enter the ID in the modal that appears.

Configuring Kick/Ban/BOLO Channels.

  • Run /config .

    • Click Basic Settings.

    • On the dropdown that appears, click ROBLOX Punishments.

    • Click on More Options.

    • In the dropdowns that appear, select channels for each type. You do not have to select a channel for every single type.

Removing a BOLO.

  • Run /bolo active .

    • Navigate the pages until you find the BOLO you want to delete, and copy its ID.

    • Click Mark as Complete.

    • On the message that appears, click Mark as Complete again, and paste the ID in the modal that appears.

Last updated