Configuration with ERM is easy! We use the newest Discord technologies to make the configuration process as easy as possible.
Setting up Permissions
You will see a new menu pop up, create roles for Staff and Management members of your server.
Once you've created these roles, go back to the menu and select your respective staff and management roles in the respective fields.
HINT: Discord limits dropdowns to have 25 fields of data on each one. If you don't see your staff role, you may need to search it!
Configuring Logging Channels
Click on Basic Settings in the paginator.
A menu will pop up, click on any of the options.
Click Channel and select the channel that you want all logging requests from that module to sent to.
HINT: You can set custom logging channels for kicks, bans, and bolos! On the ROBLOX Punishments section of the configuration menu, click More Options and select custom channels for either Kicks, Bans, or BOLOs!
Setting a Prefix
Click on the button in the middle of the two arrows.
Click on Basic Settings.
Click on Prefix.
Select one of the four options.
Setting up Shift-Logging
Click on the button in the middle of the two arrows.
Select Shift Management.
Change Disabled to Enabled.
Set up a logging channel by clicking on the dropdown right below Enabled (if disabled, refer to step one), and select a channel where you want shift logs to be sent to.
Optional: Set up an On-Duty Role by clicking on the dropdown below the logging channel dropdown, and select a role that will be given to people once they go on duty, and removed when they go off duty.\
Setting up Punishment-Logging
Click on the button in the middle of the two arrows.
Select ROBLOX Punishments.
Change Disabled to Enabled.
Set up a logging channel by clicking on the dropdown right below Enabled (if disabled, refer to step one), and select a channel where you want punishment logs to be sent to.\
Optional: You can set custom logging channels for kicks, warnings, bans, and BOLOs! Click More Options on the configuration panel, and select a channel for each punishment type. You can also select custom logging channels for punishment types.
Last updated
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